Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My wallet was found. In Concord. I haven't been to Concord in donkey's years!

I highly doubt my cashola is still there, but it's a nice story anyway:

One friendly-but-elderly Armaguard driver spotted a Vodafone bag sitting next to an ANZ EFTPOS terminal somewhere in Concord and took a look inside, finding my wallet with its cardological contents inside. He rang a local teller friend and asked her to contact me directly at work, as I am/was an ANZ customer.

She told me that while she worked in Concord she lived in Thornleigh, which is about a 5-minute drive from my 'hood. She offered to drive it over to me once she has the wallet in her possession. When I asked if there was any money inside, she apologised for not asking her friend but would let me know as soon as she could. I was advised not to cancel my cards, but it was too late. My phone's still missing but that's ok - the screen was cracked, I had no credit in it at the time it left me, and there were too many people I didn't like who knew the number and rang often.

I'm just happy to have my wallet found. Very pleased with ANZ customer service. The money probably won't be there, but shit - it beats having to line up at the RTA watching someone's zits erupt in front of me while red deli-numbers click by at the speed of a retiree on downers anyday.


Mish said...

That is good news, champ. Glad to hear it.

Shelley said...

That is good news. Concord is weird. Who goes to Concord and why?

urmynv said...

Eddie, the onboard computer for my space ship (Heart of Gold) has let me know that the probability of your wallet being returned to you is 8,419,373 to 1 -against. Those are stunning odds. I've checked the math, and I assure you it's correct.

Good news, indeed.

And since you were vague about this, "there were too many people I didn't like who knew the number and rang often," I'm totally not calling you anymore. Just in case.


Anonymous said...

High five!

I lost my wallet when I was 12 at the museum and some guy found it and called us (I had one of those little detail cards in there cos you know, I was 12) and said he had it and would send it back...

So mum sent him a stamped self addressed big enough envelope and the bastard never sent it back. He stole $70 from a 12 year old.

I hope his penis falls off.


Glad you got yours back :-D

While I think of it, I have a new number which I'm not sure if I passed on. I'll email it to you.
