Saturday, September 22, 2007

No joie here.

My boyfriend ceremoniously dumped me at lunchtime today. He says he can't be there for me emotionally, as he's going through his own thing. He says he's far too independent and he believes it's unfair to make us both unhappy.

Great. I dated myself.

The last time I was dumped was in Grade 8, by Manuel Garcia. I remember the knot in my stomach as I walked up to him on the train and pretty much threw a note at him asking him to go out with me. He read it aloud with his mates and said no. I was shattered.

These things happen, and I'll get over it. Maybe it's a bit of karmic justice that has been long overdue, but it still hurts.


urmynv said...
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urmynv said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's of no consequence at the moment, since I know the hurt is still very real.. but I recently (two days ago) developed a new thought process regarding getting shit on. It goes something like this, "Oh well. Her loss. I'm freakin' amazing." So just change it around to match your body parts and say, "Oh well. His loss. I'm freakin' amazing."

I know that's not revolutionary in it's simplicity, but I've been kicking myself in the ass for the last two years saying, "woe is me, woe is me." And it turns out there was just no good reason for me to be upset. After all, I'm amazing, and that just means that some other lucky gal will get to be amazed.

Sound cocky? Probably is.

But you're too cool for school. Don't let it bring you down.

Mish said...

With that reasoning, I have some baaaad karma on the way :(

Something I appreciate is honesty during breakups. I know it hurts, but at least he gave you a decent reason and didn't do it via text message or email or whatever.

He's still an ass though.

Dan said...

I was recently cheated on and I also know how it feels to be dumped. My heart goes out to you. In all honesty, if he couldn't work through things with you (as in he has problems [apparently] and couldn't work through them while with you), he didn't deserve you. You are amazing. Someone will come for you one day. Someone that will make your heart feel all ablaze and quivery (is that a word?).

Now that I'm reading this, I don't know if I'm making too much sense, but fuck it.

Remember to smile even when it hurts, laugh when you feel the tears coming, and love when you feel like you can't any longer.

Eric Spitznagel said...

I don't know this dude, but I'm guessing he's probably functionally retarded. Does he wear a lobster bib while eating? Does he walk out of the bathroom and announce to the room "I made a boom-boom"? Is his forehead longer (and hairier) than his forearm? Yup, I thought so.