Monday, September 3, 2007


There’s a lady at work that’s driving me absolutely up the wall. Ahhh! I swear that unless something Earth-shattering happens with this lady in the future, this will be the one and only whinge-fest dedicated to her. I’d also like to point out that I am admittedly an office dork and enjoy my fun. When it’s appropriate. On the defensive, I’m not picking on this lady… if you don’t have anything nice to say – blog it.

It seems to be a common problem these days; younger staff members who outrank older staff members. I didn’t think I had a problem with it – I respect all staff members and would consider myself a consummate professional in my current position. I know I scored this job on a wing and a prayer and take pride in my work, appearance, and behaviour especially whilst on the clock. I make sure that all tasks are completed in an efficient time-frame, and accuracy is something that comes with the territory, what with Medicare and NATA-esque audits at random. I’m a mess personally, but a bit anal-retentive at work. Justifiably so, as my end-shift is particularly prickly.

I was slowly training Practice Management (Worker’s Compensation, Basic Accounts, Practitioner Liaison, Medical and Dental Insurance, et al) until my Practice Manager (aka CrazyLegs) tripped over her husband skiing down a slope in Falls’ Creek, but some of my regular duties take responsibility for the entire day’s and entire practice’s actions. End Of Day banking, sterilisation, notarising grievances, logging births and deaths, immunisation, DVAs and Bulk-Bills (being private practice, the latter are mainly ex-staff, staff, family, associates, and friends) are the non-bane of my existence, and even the more mundane tasks like changing the linen and making sure the practice is in order (like checking that there aren’t any acupuncture needles laying about / cleaning everything the child with Scarlet Fever licked) allows me to collect my thoughts and wind down from work and ease into the evening-shift of motherhood. I wouldn’t have it any other way, as I enjoy a full-plate.

Actually, I lie.

This woman, M/Tks (which stands for Many Thanks, apparently) is a complete shitface.

After 6mo of full-time INTENSIVE training (3mo more than everyone else!), she somehow still manages to turn everything she touches in the practice into balls. She’s now a casual, but I still dread the days she’s on – I hit the ground running on those days, and spend the greater part of my shift undoing her “work”. The worst thing is, everything we handle in the practice runs on a Chain Of Custody process, and guess who has to explain the errors to each practitioner (including the practice partners and my two superiors) at the end of each night? Yep, me. Do you think I can make sense of half the mistakes this woman makes? No. Does it make me look like an idiot? Yes.

I can handle mistakes, but only for so long. When you repeat the same mistake numerous times, or ignore common-sensical procedure like looking in a tray clearly marked “Mail” if you’re looking for outgoing mail, rather than ring Australia Post, then it pops over to the unfunny side of dumb. Giving someone long-winded directions to the premises so obscure that they end up in an industrial alleyway on the other side of town looking for a building that looks like it might have at least FOUR (4) “toileting” facilities on each floor… I cringe every time I see her open her mouth.

Personal gripe: Her catch-phrases are “Spit chips!”, “Wacky-doo”, and “Derrrrrrrrrrrrr!”, “Silly Sausage!” and talks about really personal issues at random… even moreso than myself! She likes to tell people about the one time she went swimming in the ocean and was stung by jellyfish, and likes to whisper to patients as if they were close friends. She also (and I am positive some of you will love this!) blames her mistakes on her being both blonde AND female. Which is quite possibly the stupidest, irritable, and most transgressional excuse for women and blondes alike. Honestly, what a shitface.

And her attitude! Oh, sweet Jesus on a crabstick! She’s saccharine to the practitioners, but a total bitchfacewhorebag to anyone significantly younger than her (myself and most of the naturopaths who work in the Dispensary who practice elsewhere), and anyone close to her age. Which leaves Flock Of Seagulls (late 30s) as the only person to not have to deal with M/Tks’… M/Tks-ness. I can handle mistakes if they’re rectified, or at least explained to me in a way that isn’t sarcastic or condescending, but that seems to be the only way she can talk to me. I’m not the only person this happens to, but it’s been pointed out to me by one of the partners that I’ve been copping it the most. I was oblivious to it up until recently, chalking it up to her being bitter at technology evolving in the time she was raising her five now-adult children. After doing some quick abacus-work in my head, she’s had approximately ten years to work it off and get back in the game. Go figure.

Her messages are also incredibly cryptic, almost like a semi-retarded l337-speak… M/Tks, as I mentioned before, means “Many Thanks”. Apparently. “Late” can be anything from “L8” to “Lte” to “Lat”, and “Patients” is clearly supposed to be abbreviated as “Ptts”, but that’s only IF she hasn’t misspelt it as “Patience”. She also has trouble with her spelling, but that’s forgivable – we have so many practitioners writing scripts for so many different ailments and requests for tests that sound fictional. The Therapeutic Goods Administration like to confuse all with announcements of prescription drugs that are being introduced and removed from pharmaceutical shelves with names that differ greatly in chemical make-up but only differ in product name by a couple of letters.

She says she has problems at home. Everybody does. She was told not to bring her issues into the workplace, but we almost have to exit the building to make room for the gigantic chip on her shoulder. I’ve even gone so far to avoid conflict as to request to have her report directly to Flock Of Seagulls instead of me, as she has a much sunnier disposition compared to me and has a harder time getting the irrits.

This resulted in FOS giggling to me that M/Tks was terrified of me. She has every reason to be. I know that there are a lot of people that operate on a different frequency, and that’s fine. M/Tks is an over-ripe, half-gnawed cumquat, and I’m a short-tempered co-worker with even less ptts than I had to start with.


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuude, that is shit. Doesn't anyone else realise that she's a total cock-up? You need to get her ass fired.

Also, great rant !

Shelley said...

Delightful after a day in which I actually told Enrique that I was ready to kill myself if I had to do another minute in my particular hellhole. This beats my regular suicide pact with Nick [at least once a week] which goes, 'How's it going?' 'Muttermutter, fuck, mutter, fucking morons, fuck, mutter mutter.' 'Can you do me a favour?' 'What?' 'Come upstairs and kill me.' 'Only if you kill me.' 'Fine.' 'See you outside in five minutes.' Alas, we're both still alive.

Also, Lavinia quit. They tried to make her stay until 9pm on a Sunday night [seriously]. They've been forcing her to stay until 7 for ages.

It actually continues to get worse. I didn't really think it could get any worse.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a pretty good rant. You should be kind to her though - she won't try very hard if she thinks you're holding her to unreasonable standards. Find something to compliment her on. Help her build a positive self-image. And so on.

Or just punch her in a special place. What the fuck do I know?

urmynv said...

Ah but we're all works of art though, aren't we? What do you think her blog might say about the asian child she works with?

But you're totally within your right to get on here and let us all know how you feel about her. Remember not to hold back.

Since you're a student of psychology (find yourself on a therapist's couch every now and then), does it ever make you wonder what life experiences she's had that have shaped her to the annoying waste of skin that she is? I can say that of course, because I'm a nutter AND a waste of skin, myself.