Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, sheeit.

Can I just ask what it is about public corporate bathrooms that compels the anonymous few to either:

1) Piss all over the floor;

2) Shit all around and up the inside of the toilet bowl;

3) Clog the toilet with toilet paper using all the toilet paper in that cubicle;

4) Soak the entire sink area with soapy water so that anyone who leans forward gets their clothes wet in a way that makes them look like they've urinated all over themselves, or;

5) Use ALL the handtowels and throw them all over the floor.

Perhaps they're assuming that our autistic children patients are responsible, but a lot of these facilities are inaccessible without adult supervision. Hmm.


urmynv said...

Collective conscience or parallel universe.. Today I tried to use the bathroom only to have the ONE stall in use for about 30 minutes by someone who obviously thinks that's the break room, as I could hear the newspaper pages turning each time I checked to see if the offender had un-assed themselves from toilet. Having waited sufficiently long enough (prairie-dogging), I finally decided to walk to different bathroom down the hall. Finally an open stall. Wait a tick, why is the seat cover down? Let me lift it and see. Low and behold, some turd burglar (or turd leaver, as it were) managed to completely paint the entire bowl with feces, while simultaneously managing to clog said crapper with what looked like one whole roll of paper. On top of which, I then realized the wetness I was standing in was not a freshly mopped floor, but instead the watery fecal goodness left behind by the perpetrator, who must have literally ran out in order to avoid the biblical style flood that I can only imagine occurred when the poor toilet was commanded to dispose of the task. Long story short, I still have to poo.

Eric Spitznagel said...

Thanks for reminding me why crapping in the woods is still a better idea than public lavatories.

Dan said...

What? You don't like shit smears all over your toilet? What kind of world is this that poo is no longer a gorilla art form?

urmynv said...

I hear if you flush before you poo, it helps prevent skid marks in the bowl.

Anonymous said...

I once went into a public restroom where one of the stalls had, and I say this without any exaggeration whatsoever, been entirely coated in shit... every... single... surface....

The aroma was... abundant.

Anonymous said...

I wish, without reservation, that I had never read the above comments.

Shelley said...

Mark, I wish that I had never worked anywhere that made the above comments seem pretty average. Communal toilets are a delightful way of sharing with each other that we are not only evolved from animals but that we still behave like them.

Recon said...

I'm a dog walker in NYC, and I work in Central Park. The other day I was up bright and early and saw a guessed it..shitting in the woods.

What a wonderful start to the day.